58+ Health Tips of the Day - Neetman

Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman

 The writer says; all these tips are based on the knowledgethat I face, that all are no haram me so I share with you, but you use this tips than I suggest you that Advice from any scaliest,
Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman
Health tips of the day

Quick health tips of the day

  • Everyday walking two to three miles, in the open air, green space, and diseases keep away from your body.
  • Keep the body away from drinking tea, coffee, cocoa, soda, etc. It's like slow poisoning.
  • We are the root cause of any disease, understand the cause of disease, Do not forget to do that a second time.
  • By consuming foods that are simple, light, fresh, slightly warm, the body stays healthy.

Decrease and increase the importance of (simple health tips)

  1. Reduce the importance of buffalo; increase the importance of cows,
  2. Reduce the importance of peanuts; increase the importance of sesame,
  3. Reduce the importance of potatoes; increase the importance of gold,
  4. Reduce the importance of chili, increase the importance of the needle,
  5. Reduce the importance of tea, coffee, increase the importance of milk,
  6. Reduce the importance of soft drinks; increase the importance of buttered milk,
  7. Reduce the importance of ice; increase the importance of boiled water,
  8. Reduce the use of sweetener; increase the use of plain food,
  9. Reduce Chemical Drug Use, Use Ayurveda Medicine,
  10. Reduce the importance of weight; increase the importance of strength,
  11. Instead of vehicles, keeps it moving,
  12. Reduce hotel food; increase the importance of home food,
  13. Reduce the importance of taste; increase the importance of marks,
Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman

Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman

Natural health tips

  • Sleep early at night, wake up early in the morning,
  • Before bathing, massage the oil on the body,
  • After bathing, sit in solitude for a while, meditate on the behavior of yourself,
  • Chew the neem leaf after bathing,
  • Drink a glass of water before eating (one hour before), it is better to add a little lemon juice and drink,
  • Eat twice a day, eat less than hunger,
  • Eat fruit in breakfast, sprawled are more beneficial,
  • Fibrous, food strengthens the intestine, so it should be used in meals,
  • Drinking a glass of milk, one teaspoon of ghee, and three tablespoons of honey before bed will help the body heal,
  • Salt, ginger, herbs, any of these should be consumed regularly,
  • Washing hands and feet with water before going to bed at night makes sleep better,
  • Massaging the body increases blood flow, and stimulates the body.
  • Do not eat anti-inflammatory products such as bananas and buttermilk, etc.
Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman

Health tips in English, how to site? How to sleep?

  • Never rest your head on your head or your head while sleeping,
  • Do not bend the ankle while sitting or sleeping,
  • Do not sleep the way your breath is freezing
  • Do not sit down, weighing on one hand,
  • Also, don't stand up to one foot of weight,
  • For anyone who stands up and cooks, for half an hour during the whole day, stretch both legs and attached your back on the wall, it’s give you some relief
  • Do not lift weight when you bend,
  • After you weak up, starch your body, it makes some relief,
  • Exercise Shock less movement of all joints for 15 minutes, with an empty stomach,  
  • If there is no sleep, put you’re the feet with some warm water or message with some warm water. 
  • In case of constipation, use warm water
  • If possible sleep in the open air and when sleeping in the room, keep the window open.
  • Walking on the heel of the foot for a short period of time every day, as well as keeping both hands up and running on the toes, with an empty stomach. Will benefit the digestive system.
  • Relax and laugh out loud,
  • Chew more as possible, walking more as possible, and laugh and be positive. 
Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman

Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman
health tips of the day

Healthy tips of the week- health of the mind

In today life, health with a body as well as health with your mind is also important,

Her some healthy tips for mind, this healthy tips of the week is helpful to live life, mind as well as body

1. Positivity

Positivity is very important for health and life, think about it, if you think that you don’t week up early in the morning, you never week up, but if you think that next day I week up early anyhow?

Who will stop you?

Positivity is also affect your health, Such as your vision, such a world, so first clean your vision, if you think a job is the only way for my money need, so your thinking is how I get a job?

And if you think a job is only one way to earn money, and there are so many ways to earn money, now your mind is finding the way of how to earn money?

It is in your a hand that what you think, a job is the only way to earn money or job is just one way to earn money,

This is thought is also work in health, if you think that I eat pure, I must be clean, avoid all enjoy, and follow the clean rule which makes by you, so at one stage you fill unhealthy,

But think that your body has its own system to stop the weakness. In this way, you enjoy your life,

How would you live life, by afraid of think or by enjoying think? You chose,

So in all conditions think that you’re bigger than this problem, and I can solve it, now you mind has thousands of way to solve this problem,    

So think positive it is the Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman

2. Forgiveness

 Another point is forgiveness, in our life we have thousands of old memory that somebody makes mistake and you not forgiven him, think your all movement,

What happen due to not forgiveness? Like in the office one person make mistake and he guilt for this, but the boss is Punish him, think about all site of this condition,

This employ has fear all the time and he has thought of to change the job, he thinks that even I accept my fault why boss punish me? What is worth of my past good work? So and so……

And boss also thinks that I punish this employ but he is a good person, in past he done many hard work for my company,

Both are have some mental pain that I say sorry for that? But they don’t do this, at that time forgiveness comes, forgive him and think about the good work of this person,

Tell him that due to your not good work we lose so many time and money, but don’t worry in past you did so many works that may increase our company growth, I will free you from this mistake, I forgive you and be happy with you,

In this case both of they no mental pressure and both make good work in feature, this is an example but if you learn forgiveness, your work and the ward is make find the peace of mind,        

So forgiveness is the best natural medicine for our mental health and it is the Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman

3. Abandonment

Humans want to have something for a lifetime, and by gating this he wants to enjoy it,  but after someone gets small things his accepting move and more,

Abandonment mean not to live for a while, it does not tine meaning of it, abandonment is a big bag meaning,

Today every human need mobile, and some big institute make research that what happens if living one a day without a mobile?  

So abandonment meant that live those think that you don’t need, and not affected your life, so at one stage your need is limited,

if you do abandonment, so you attenuation is on those, think that you have, we human will always think about those think that we do not have, and miss enjoy those that we have today.

So always think about what you have? And enjoy it, and after that, you want to those think that you actually need,

So this three thinks are very important Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman

10 tips for good health

Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman
10 tips for good health

  • Eat foods that are good for your body, not good for taste. About 80% of diseases are caused by food,

  • Spend more time in the natural environment than on artificial environments, humans do not share other interests, nature is always with life.

  • What others say, what you want rather than what it does, keeps your brain healthy.

  • Take the food as a medicine so that no other medication is needed.

  • Good thoughts and true thoughts are also one kind of medicine.

  • Free yourself from your thoughts, there will be no stress in your life.

  • Eat as much as you can digest, as machine overload decreases its capacity, as body overload decreases its lifespan.

  • Eat only when you are hungry, and eat what you know what it is made of.

  • Fruits are best for breakfast in the morning.

  • The juice of coconut water is the hundredth best,

Quick health tips of the day, simple health tips, natural health tips, health tips in English, health tips of the week, 10 tips for good health, simple health tips for everyone, healthy lifestyle tips by neetsman


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