Science-energy & definition for diffrent term in energy science

Energy definition for science

Energy is a small word but all universe run with this word, scientists give, much energy definition for science, but what is the energy? What is science? We solve this answer by the questioning method,

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energy definition for science

All living and nonliving element that we see is made by PEN. If we continue to divide any object in to the small part, then at one stage in this object energy is released,

In this method take a question or any that you want to know, and then ask a simple question, we take that energy,


What is energy? – The answer is that: energy is the capacity of any object,

What is an object? – the object is that who made of a small element of the atom, any object that we use, or we know, in continues patterns of the atom,


What is an atom? – Atom is the smallest element of any object in-universe,

What atom made of? – It is made of protons, electrons, neutrons, (PEN)

What is PEN made of? What is a PEN? – it is a basic element of any object, it is made of quarks’

What are quarks made of? -   according to research, it is the smallest element of PEN, at that time we don’t know this question, due to our limitation,

energy definition for science energy definition in science, chemical energy definition for 6th grade science, definition of nuclear energy for science, definition of potential energy for science, nuclear energy definition science term, potential energy definition science example, potential energy definition science term, radiant energy definition for science, radiant energy definition science example, renewable energy definition for science, science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy, solar energy definition for science, the definition for energy pyramid science, neetsman, concept of knowledge
three-element of any object 

In Energy definition for science topic many concepts of knowledge that we want to know, I concept, NI concept, etc…..

Energy has mainly two types that

1.     Sources type and

2.     Adjunct type,

In source type of energy, the object did not need any external energy for any type of operation, it can satisfy its own energy needs. Sun is the source type

But in the adjunct type of energy, it cannot satisfy its own energy needs. They based on any energy sources, humans, trees, cars, space ships, are adjunct types.

 Now discuss some question, related to energy  

In this article we discuss energy definition in science, chemical energy,

Definition of nuclear energy for science, the definition of potential energy for science,

Radiant energy definition for science, renewable energy definition for science,
Science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy,
Solar energy definition for science, the definition for energy pyramid science

What is energy science?

Any objects have made of a small element of molecules; this molecule is made of proton, electron, and neutron, out of this three electron is always moving, but we don’t know which force is acting upon this?   

So in energy science, we deal with all type of forces, which present on the universe, energy is a combined effect of force and motion, only energy resist the energy.

We use just only 0.01% of all energy that we can get from nature, so it is necessary to increases this % of use, So in Energy science, we research maximum use of any the energy that human produce and human can get from nature,

What is energy is?

Steetlom say that if we use all energy of the sun which came on earth than we don’t have need any another source of energy,

In terms, energy is called “how much any object to give motion, and force to another body? It gives naturally of its need some out force?  

One example: on earth, two-body, one has 100Co temperature, and another has 50Co, if this two-body in contact then after some time this two-body have a temperature of 75Co, energy is transfer in the form of heat and make a balance in between these two bodies,

If this two-body is not in contact then it’s equal with atmosphere, but what happens when this two-body is it in space? they have no standard temperature, to get its equilibrium,

In space, energy can transfer in the form of a light ray as we know, so if any object that has more than 100Co temp. But not power to emit light rays, it temp.  temp. of this object can stay millions of year as today.

In simple term, energy science is the concept of knowledge that finds the ability of energy, what we can do with it?                      

In this article, we discuss energy definition in science, chemical energy,
Definition of nuclear energy for science, the definition of potential energy for science,
Radiant energy definition for science, renewable energy definition for science,
Science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy,
Solar energy definition for science, the definition of energy pyramid science

What is the best definition of energy? 

Energy = The strength to do anything

“Stored powers in the body, that ability to change in other object motion in any form, like fuel store power to drive vehicle.”

Energy means strength

Energy has many layers but we human use only one layer of energy, in petrol has three layers of energy 1-heat, 2-molecules, 3-nuclear, but out of this we use only one layer because we have an instrument that can use only one layer of energy,

In one layer of energy, it is used only 0.0000001% of store energy, in the second layer of energy we use around 40% of store energy, in the third layer we use around 99% of store energy,

energy definition for science energy definition in science, chemical energy definition for 6th grade science, definition of nuclear energy for science, definition of potential energy for science, nuclear energy definition science term, potential energy definition science example, potential energy definition science term, radiant energy definition for science, radiant energy definition science example, renewable energy definition for science, science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy, solar energy definition for science, the definition for energy pyramid science, neetsman, concept of knowledge, free image
energy definition for science 

If we use 1L of petrol in the first stage, then we drive only 30 to 40 KM if use second stage means in the form of the molecule than with 1L of fuel we drive around 20 to 30 year without stopping our vehicle, and in the third stage of nuclear with 1L of fuel we can drive ours vehicle around to 100 to 150 years without stopping,

It is only a theory base date with prof only on paper, 

What is the scientific name for energy? 

Basically, energy is a call mortification of mass and acceleration, in science energy, has many names like is call power, ability to do work, invisible force, basic of all.

Energy can transfer in any forms but a fast way to transform the energy is radiation because of radiation has emitted on process ray, that we call light rays, 

If two hydrogen atoms attach with each other with nuclear fusion process than its need only some less energy, for example, it need 100 joules but at a time 100000 joule is produced.

So hydrogen fusion process take it’s 100 joules and rest of 99900 energy is free if this energy is not want to stay because of it just like a prisoner, all prisoner is want to Run away from prison,  
The same way this all small atom is kept in this atom for a long time and if they have a chance to run than they run away their maximum speed. You know how much speed of light?

So the scientific name that we give to energy is based on our knowledge, and its only one concept of knowledge, there are so many concepts of knowledge by Neetsman, energy has in any form,
Energy is in the form of light,
In the form of heat,
In the form of kinetic,
In the form of biology,
In the form of thing,
In the form of electricity,    
In the form of HMXUT
In form of etc……… its not end
Because of all object that we see it just transform the form of energy,

What is call energy? 

We call energy to anything’s that we see because all material is made of energy,  yes all material, how?

Material is made of a small atom, this atom is made of nuclear and it is made of a proton, neutron, electron and these three subjects are made of maybe quark, quark made of small pieces of modules, this moulex is made of doctor and doctex is made of???

Well, we don’t know at that time that what is doctex is made of? but we know that what is moulex is made of it is just like proton and neutron, not pour proton not pour neutron, it sees mix effect of both

Because when we take + charge to him at that time its see Abrasion, and when we take – charge to near it is seen also Abrasion so how one object can see bath of change “+” &”-“ it is mystery

All object that we see only have one charge either + or – and no charge may be also another form of charge, we call him (+to+),(-to-),(+to-),(-to+),(++to-)(--to+)(+-to+)(-+to-) where (+ is equal to positive charge)(- is equal to negative charge)

Bothe of combine effect maybe make some different material,

As we know what is energy? Just ability of any object to give its Performance,?

What is kinetic energy in science?

Energy stored in an object that’s in motion,

Whenever an object is in motion, that thing or object has some form of energy. That is the kinetic energy and science that observes this energy its call kinetic energy science.

In this science, we must say that all objects that have moved it has energy, this energy may be by its motion, or force that why it is in motion or some internal process.

So basically this is tow type of force in the body
1. Internally and
2. Externally   

The Effect of Externallyforce act on this object depends upon a medium that’s an object moving if it is move-in earth its effect just for a movement or you can say that it stops when the force of the body is equal to a force of resistance,

And if it is in the space medium then it is moving endless time because in space no resistance act on this object,

For example we through a ball in the earth so it is stopped by earth gravity, but when you through a ball in space than this ball is never stop it is always going ahead, stop only when somebody gives some force to stop this ball.

Another stage saying internally force, in this effect no medium is effect to a body, because of energy income internally so it’s like run with own energy, it no need force, and it is always go ahead in any medium,

If we talk about our solar system sun has its own energy but is stuck due to black hole gravity that at center of our galaxy

In this article, we discuss energy definition in science, chemical energy,
Definition of nuclear energy for science, the definition of potential energy for science,
Radiant energy definition for science, renewable energy definition for science,
Science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy,

Solar energy definition for science, the definition of energy pyramid science

What is energy in biology?

The capacity of any living an object is called energy in biology,

A human can do his work due to energy, the tree makes its food due to sunray it means energy, so all living creature is connected directly or indirectly with energy,

We eat food, it contains vital nutrients and these nutrients provide energy to our body, this energy allows humans to work. The power to work in any living creature its call biology energy,   

Food is a source of energy, but we don’t use it directly we must need some equipment to make food as fuel, in nature, all of the equipment is made of one material but it is different due to its mix with each other.  

We human eat food as fuel this food add oil in mouth and stomach, so this ready to burn now in human body burn this fuel and we get energy, and by some process, it mixes in our blood,

energy definition for science energy definition in science, chemical energy definition for 6th grade science, definition of nuclear energy for science, definition of potential energy for science, nuclear energy definition science term, potential energy definition science example, potential energy definition science term, radiant energy definition for science, radiant energy definition science example, renewable energy definition for science, science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy, solar energy definition for science, the definition for energy pyramid science, neetsman, concept of knowledge, free image
the energy of the universe 

So we say the food is transfer in energy in the human body in three-stage first is hard fuel soft, like we do Separate this crude oil and make different forms like petrol, diesel, oil etc……

Then mix some elements to help to burn, and the third stage that makes this fuel to burn and gate energy, so human is only biologically engined then convert food in to energy,

While in a plant they use sunlight, light has some energy so they came on earth, and earth is live due to this solar energy,

In this article, we discuss energy definition in science, chemical energy,
Definition of nuclear energy for science, the definition of potential energy for science,
Radiant energy definition for science, renewable energy definition for science,
Science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy,
Solar energy definition for science, the definition of energy pyramid science

Is energy a thing?

Energy is life,

Energy!!! What is energy? Maybe it’s a form, maybe it’s power, but the question is that where is energy is come from?

We don’t know that from where all energy has come? Starting with beginning….

If the theory of big-bang is true then all energy is coming from this big-bang, but how this so much energy is released? What are the forces that make this unlimited energy free?

Steetlom do one Experiment

Take 12 pieces of magnet and put in one close transparent box, this all pieces of a magnet attract with each other, due to magnetic force, now take all these pieces and break out in to small pieces, and again put in to close the transparent box, they all small pieces are also attract with others and turn in to some ball with unequal shape,

We know that if we break out the magnet than all part act as a magnet, and + & + and -&- has abrasion and +&- and -&+, has Attraction, but this all small pieces has both + &- and all in one ball, so what is the force to make all attraction?

you make these pieces small and small as you can, but it has a limit, after some stage, we can't break out this magnet,  but at that time all small pieces of magnet attach with other,  

And the force of the magnet is same, but we say that the force of abrasion is less than attraction so all this small pieces attach with each other,

So energy is not a think, but it is all around you? Energy is you, and you are energy, 

at last, we see that the impact of one magnet absorb by another, as a result, both end act as one node of a magnet, 

same way if all object on earth impact of one energy is absorbed by another energy, but if we make Disassemble both than this act as free energy, 

so energy is the final effect of all energy or force. 

What are the 12 types of energy?

Energy has many forms, this is some form of energy,

In machine its call mechanical energy,
In the electric world energy is call electric energy  
In stay object call as potential energy,  
In a moving object call as kinetic energy,
In the chemical world its call chemical energy,
Nuclear process its call nuclear energy,
In the thermal process its call as thermal energy,
In space energy in the form of light energy,
In the core of the earth and other planet energy in form of heat energy,
In biology, energy is in form of power,
In hemmer, energy is in form of strength,
In the atom, energy is in the form of quarks energy,

Energy is not only 12 type but it has an unlimited type, but we give him a different name,

In-home we burn gas we call heat, if switch the light we say that light ray, in earth minimum, 94% the energy in the form of light rays,   

How is energy described?

Energy = smallest element of object × capacity of an object

Energy has many forms, so it is difficult to describe proper energy, but we must say that energy is capacity of work of any object, but it is equal to the smallest element energy of an object,

We know the energy equation that E=MC2
          Where E is energy
          M is mass and C is the light speed in space

But it is right in only space because in space light speed is maximum, and an airspeed of light is 2.5 lakhs km/s so it is very to medium to medium,

Energy is described differently type in different science,

In mechanical, energy is the capacity to do work of any system, it may be positive or negative,

While in the electric system it is defined as current capacity,
Chemical energy maybe define as a final product of any system to use in real life, if energy is a study than its call potential energy, if it is in motion than it is called kinetic energy,

So energy is a different equation and definition in different science, but all equation represents the power of system than having to some energy,   

Energy has a different stage how we use energy? These stages are solid, liquid, atom, nuclear, plasma, quarks,
In different stage name that what energy form is used in that stage, like in solid stage it is used as solid, while in quarks stage it is used in from of quarks,

But we rich only third the stage that atom stage, while particle of energy is going small energy of this the stage is increasing, like if in solid stage 1 kg of fuel has 1000 joule of energy then, in liquid, this energy is increased, and in atom stage, if using 1 kg of fuel then we have the energy for 1 month or more…..

It depends upon, which stage of energy and what is its use, it is true that if we have a port that can sustain 10000Co of temperature, then we use all material as fuel,

Because in this form all material is in the form of an atom, and by the small process we use energy that atom have, but at that time we have not this facility to archive temperature of 10000Co.

So energy is described as number of a small element that object have,  

In this article, we discuss energy definition in science, chemical energy,
Definition of nuclear energy for science, the definition of potential energy for science,
Radiant energy definition for science, renewable energy definition for science,
Science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy,
Solar energy definition for science, the definition of energy pyramid science

What type of energy do humans have?

Humane has electric,
They have mechanical,
Types of Energies have,

What is energy made of?

Energy is made of the elemental force of that object,

At that time we do not have any right knowledge that what is energy made of?
Only we know how we can get this energy, we make different machine who only transform energy in one stage to another stage,

Like we use an engine that transfer fuel to heat energy, all engine is work on the base of fuel to heat transfer, we not have any engine that can produce any type of energy,

Check all power sources that we have, how they work? Or how we get energy from it, in-plane we use to fuel and this fuel is transferred small element of heat, in-car we use petrol or diesel, and this all just stores small energy and Release when we use in the engine,

At that time we don’t have any knowledge that how petroleum is made of? And how it stores energy? Only think is that it is easy to use for automobiles, in petroleum at the one stage huge amount of energy is release,

The same thing in all type of the fuel that we use in automobile, but in nuclear energy is release, due to some atomic process, in this process by applying one neutron on any atom it release three neutron and chain reaction is in continues process is going,

What happens if we make fire in petrol, it gets a fire immediately, so we use control fuel in the engine so in we make the nuclear engine, in this engine, a small part of nuclear fuel is going in to the combustion chamber,

In the petrol engine, the engine gent heated due to fuel burn in the combustion chamber, the same way in nuclear engine has radiation, and it’s no solution, in a feature we must make a solution to this the problem if we live,

So according to steetlom energy is made of a process going in to smallest element in any object,  

What are work and energy in science?

Work = transfer of energy
Energy = capacity to doing work of any object,

Basically work is change state of energy maybe heat energy is transfer to kinetic energy, or potential energy is transfer in to kinetic energy, radiation energy is transfer in some other energy,

So we can say that with the help of work we can change the state of energy, in engine with the help of fuel car is moving, so this call is work done by fuel, so fuel is work on the engine in the form of heat,

And engine absorbs this heat or transfer this heat at the shaft in form of rotation, and this shaft transfer its ration on the wheel of vehicles, so one object work on another and change of energy state, in this example energy, is also another form its call force,

So this energy transfer to the wheel of a car is equal to network done on the engine,

The energy in motion and energy in-store in the object, when any work is done in some specific time than its call power of this energy, unit of power is watt simple way work is defined as total distance travel by this system due to acting force on it,

Work and energy are a type of power, so any object has its own fame,

You can lift a car?
The answer is no but if we use some mechanical instrument just like a simple hydraulic system then? You see in the service a center that one man lift car in single-handedly, 

Human’s walk is the type of work, in this work energy is gain from our body, and our body gain energy from blood, blood gain energy from our stomach, we eat food so our stomach got material to make energy,

So basic human energy source is food, energy and work are not same but they are a branch of one tree 

In this article, we discuss energy definition in science, chemical energy,
Definition of nuclear energy for science, the definition of potential energy for science,
Radiant energy definition for science, renewable energy definition for science,
Science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy,

Solar energy definition for science, the definition of energy pyramid science

What are energy and its classification?

  Give answer of this question by asking some questions, why you walk? Why we birth? Why tree grow?  You know this answer???

 Energy is only thought, this thing has power to change in environment, in-universe,

If Big-bang theory true than before millions of millions of years ago, all universe is just one Irregular- ingot, somewhere in space, at that time may be no energy, no galaxy, no star, no black holes, no, planet, no light…

We don’t know what is present at that time? But some unbalance in this ingot and it blasts with very big sound, some scientist say that this sound is present today, its name is deep space sound, ohm
If we close our eyes, stop out thought, we listen continues sound with no bit, but it’s flowing like been therefor thousands of years, it gives peace to our mind,    

Due to this blast, the matter was birth, the energy was birth, bypassing so many millions of years they change its sate, but energy is the same, they trying to join with each other, but due to unbalance energy, they all join different, different parts, we call black holes, it has galaxy and a huge source of energy,

At that time we don’t know what energy source of a black hole is? We have only theoretical knowledge, what a black hole is?

But we say that energy is spread due to this blast, and it's trying to set its natural balanced state, by using a questing method we stop at one stage, like

Ask what is energy? We have an answer that its capacity for work,  
What is work?  It is the Power of any object that changes energy state?
 How energy change their state? By losing some energy and transfer some capacity of energy,

Where the rest of the energy is going? In to space,
Than where? We have no answer or answer is round and round only one thing? It is energy,

Energy is capacity; capacity is a store of energy,

This energy has many types?
Energy that rest,
Energy that in motion,
Energy that in transfer,
Energy that in-store,
Energy that in a machine,
Energy is in vision,
E that is in black holes,
E that is in a stare,
Natural energy,
Artificial energy,
Core energy,
Planet energy,
Magma energy,
Plasma energy,
Electron energy,
Nuclear E,


In this article, we discuss energy definition in science, chemical energy,
Definition of nuclear energy for science, the definition of potential energy for science,
Radiant energy definition for science, renewable energy definition for science,
Science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy,
Solar energy definition for science, the definition of energy pyramid science

Are humans made of energy?

Human= atom
Atom= cell
Cell = material of H, O, N, etc..
H, O, N, etc.. = elections, protons, and neutron=PEN
PEN= energy,

So we can say that human=atom= H, N, O, etc. =elections, protons and neutron,= energy

So human = energy

Yes, maybe,
Not only human but all a living creature is made of energy, steetlom say that due to the theory of concept of knowledge, 

Human is made of the atom, this atom is made of a cell, and this cell is made of O, H, N, etc.. More of our the body is made of this material, and we know that O, H, N, made of elections, protons and neutron,

So we can say that we human is made of this tree element, not human but all object that we know, all are made of this material, and due to the atomic process of this atom release energy, so these atoms are may be made of energy so we can say that human is made of energy,

Rison is that we human and all living creature is made of fire, soil, air, water, space, and all this five material is made of electrons, protons, and neutron,

If we rich the first part of all this material that which all are made of? Then we got one material, and this material is also basic parts of the non-living creature,

Take iron, carbon, nitrogen, etc.,,

And the truth is that these basic materials are also one of the basic parts of energy, we have a universe, but the universe has all that we can’t see,

Maybe we live the only tine world of the universe, we live in well, and this universe is the ocean, we, not reach that place due to some Rison, but must rich someday,

Is energy material?

Material =atom
Atom = PEN
PEN= energy

So energy = material

All material is made of a small piece of an atom and this atom is made of PEN

(PEN= elections, protons, and neutron)

And this PEN is made of energy, because due to some internal process in PEN energy is release and this the low that any object turns out those that are inside it,

So in PEN may be huge the energy at rest but due to some process, energy may be unbalanced and emit some energy out of this closed-loop energy, 

Is energy made of matter?

Energy is made from small elements that we call matter; it is only our imaginations because we not see this matter, but all universes are made of it,

We know that any material has made of the small-small element, and this small element is call PEN, what is PEN just see slid up…

We know that what is basic three particles are made of? If we take one object and break this object in small pieces, as we can like we take one iron object break in a small part that weight is 10 microns than break this 10-micron iron object in to another 100000 part we can?

We say that at one stage we did not break this iron object, no we think ideally

What if we break one atom of iron in two different parts of an atom? Its called nuclear fission, at that time huge energy was released, how it is possible that any small object is released so much energy like this?

What is the weight of any nuclear? But the energy released by this process is so much that can destroy our earth,   

Matter needs energy to join tougher, so it makes a stable form of an atom, any object in this universe is find always to the stable form, we human comfort in the earth around 37o C temp. and 1 bar of air pressure,

All element has its own comfort zone, at this zone this object is in its original form,

Take on object aluminum its find solid in the earth, so we can say that it is a comfort zone of aluminum, but now give heat to this aluminum so it is in liquid form after some more heat it is in gas form,

After giving more heat then, it is in atom form and it is not aluminum,  but reset its Arrangement of the atom,  

Is energy a particle?

Yes we can say that energy is a particle because we can get energy in any object by some process,

And we know that all the object is made of small parts, and this small part is may be made of any a particle of matter, so we can say that is energy is made of a particle,

Particle is the smallest the element of any object, this small element is not valuable, but it is may have high density,

We talk about the fourth quantum low by steetlom

Fourth quantum law says that “Any object has an unlimited small particle and unlimited big particle, but all particle size depends upon the observer capability and objects size according to the observer”        

For the bee flower is made of 100 small particles but according to the human this flower is made of only 10 small particles, but both say that flower has only one big particle,

But for other living creature like anyone cell, Animate says that this flower is made of 1000000 small particle and 100 big particle so this scale is different for every observer,  

It is also applicable for comparisons if we camper sun to earth than we say that sun  is bigger than the earth, but if comparisons for earth and moon that we say that the moon is smaller than the earth,   

Are atoms energy?

Atom = PEN

And what is PEN we know in the above question, so we can say that atoms are made of energy,  

I hope you know about energy definition in science, chemical energy,
Definition of nuclear energy for science, the definition of potential energy for science,
Radiant energy definition for science, renewable energy definition for science,
Science definition for alternative energy, science definition for binding energy,
Solar energy definition for science, the definition of energy pyramid science

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