The universe is big about 10^14 million HMX? by neetsman

How big is the universe?

The universe is big about 1014 million HMX  

You know how the universe is bigHow big is the universe scale? And compared to the earth how universe is big

Measurement of the big universe in km, what is beyond the universe? And which material is the universe made of? 

Is the universe infinite? How big is the universe in simple terms? How much observable universe? Concept of knowledge by neetsman 
how big is the universe scale,how big is the universe compared to the earth,how big is the universe in km,how big is the universe video,how big is the universe in simple terms,is the universe infinite,what is beyond the universe,observable universe
how the universe is big?

Universe!!! It has a story we want to know it, but the universe has not a voice. The big question about it that how the universe is big? Which is last the planet of the universe and last galaxy of the universe?

What is hmx? It is one distance use universe, 1 hmx = 1018 thousand light year, and 1 light year = around 300000 km * 365 days *24 hors*60 minute*60 second * 1021 =     9.46 * 1012, so 1 hmx = 9.46 * 1012 * 1021 = 9.46 * 1033 million km

Hmx dimension is used by steetlom,

If our galaxy is a moon than our earth is just one small stone on the moon, but the universe has not only one galaxy, actually, we don’t know how many galaxies in-universe? In-universe some time one kg of mass has 1 core of density,

Our solar the system is 30000 light-year far from, the center of a galaxy, and we don’t know how another solar system is in between, we don’t know which biggest element of the universe is? And which the smallest element of universe,    

It means to say that if one cricket ball has 250 grams, then the same size of the ball but made of universe martial then its weight is around 10,000 million tones.

I read in some book that the universe has 1011 galaxy and in one galaxy 1011 stars, it just one research only, Concepts of knowledge by Neetsman say that universe is one round elastic ball of darkness, in which,

its call elastic ball theory of universe by Neetsman, in this theory one big round ball in someplace, this ball is stretchable as it wants, it’s like water ball in which every particle move inside everywhere in it, but not going outside of the ball,
You know how the universe is bigHow big is the universe scale? And compared to the earth how the universe is big

Measurement of the big universe in km, what is beyond the universe? And which material is the universe made of? 

Is the universe infinite? How big is the universe in simple terms? How much observable universe? Concept of knowledge by neetsman 

how big is the universe scale,how big is the universe compared to the earth,how big is the universe in km,how big is the universe video,how big is the universe in simple terms,is the universe infinite,what is beyond the universe,observable universe
the universe is big???

 How big is the universe scale?

The universe is big about to 1014 million hmx, if we assume 12 inches = 1014 million HMX   than our galaxy is in a scale of 100 parts of a 1 cm and our earth is 500000 part of 1 cm, this scale measure is used only in space, to measure the distance between two galaxies.

   But that use only for research only not only in real, its applications in real only need some mathematic calculation and may changeable also, in Elastic ball theory of the universe, one small particle is free to move anywhere in a natural way, and another way is that some outer force apply on this ball.

In stress apply on the ball the distance between particles is change, 1 hmx distance chance in to 17 HMX and 17 HMX distance change in to 1 hmx. At that time if we travel in this two-point, distance is converted in some of the kilometers,

The universe is bending according to the time so a distance of any point of the universe is fare and near according to how a band this universe is?

So 1014 million hmx big the universe scale, this scale changes according to our needs, the distance between the two galaxies is measure by this scale, light is the fastest aliment that we know, but what if this the light ray which runs 300000 km per second and in this speed, they emit another light ray,

What is the speed of emitted light rays? Already 300000 km/s main ray and its own speed is also 300000 so the main speed of this light ray is = 300000*300000= 9*1010 km/s

In another way, we say that one car is run at a speed of 100 km/s so all aliment inside this car also the speed of 100 km/s, but at one point the boy inside this car thorough one ball at speed of 20km/s, but a car has already speed of 100km/s so finally ball speed is 20 + 100 km/s = 120 km/s

You know how the universe is bigHow big is the universe scale? And compared to the earth how universe is big

Measurement of the big universe in km, what is beyond the universe? And which material is the universe made of? 

Is the universe infinite? How big is the universe in simple terms? How much observable universe? Concept of knowledge by neetsman 

On earth, the ball has face disturbance of air and gravity, but the same condition in space than?? What happens? so we don’t know the right speed of any aliment,

Because if ball speed measure by a man who in another car at a speed of 50 km/s, so what is this ball speed? This another man sees that this ball at speed of only 50+20 km/s = 70 km/s so who is right?      

how big is the universe scale,how big is the universe compared to the earth,how big is the universe in km,how big is the universe video,how big is the universe in simple terms,is the universe infinite,what is beyond the universe,observable universe
light beam

How big is the universe compared to the earth?

            if we talk about the earth as compared to the universe, the universe is 1014 million HMX   than earth is only 50000 part of 1 millimeter, in another the way we say that if the universe is our earth than earth is 50000 part of the human shell,  

if the universe is big as our Jupiter than earth is just 100 part of a proton, we do not travel only 0.00001% of the universe, some say that it is infinite, but we don’t know actually how big the is universe?

If the universe is big as our solar system than compared to the earth, the earth is just only one stone of any planet of a diameter of 1 cm.

All this is just comp ration not 100% sure data? But which data is 100% in this world? Ever we learn that 1+1=2 actually 1+1 has never answer of 2 because we say that 1sotne +1stone = 2 stone

But its talk about 1 dimension if we talk in 1000000000 smaller dimensions than this stone has 1089 nuclease and another stone has 1098 nuclease so what is the sum of these two stones? May be 10187 true answers but

the stone is a very small element not calculated in mathematic terms, as we know the smallest element of earth is plasma, but then??? We don’t know so we can’t sum it.   

Then we talk about 1000 big dimension than we know what is the biggest element of all universe? How can we sum it? So mathematical we say that 1+1=2, but in another purpose, we do not say that it is 2.   

You know how the universe is bigHow big is the universe scale? And compared to the earth how universe is big

Measurement of the big universe in km, what is beyond the universe? And which material is the universe made of? 

Is the universe infinite? How big is the universe in simple terms? How much observable universe? Concept of knowledge by neetsman 

The universe is limitless??? As we know now we can’t find the edge of the universe, in-universe all particles small or big are moving, can you see any element steady? Think about it, we are also moving,

If some life are in dimensions of 500 million smaller than the earth, maybe they may be living in our human body, and according to him distance between our two-finger is in light-years but according to we (humans) distance is just center meters,

Maybe we find a way to go another dimension so the distance between the sun and the center of the galaxy is just 1 meter. It just dimensions that can change our view to distance,  

We must think differently, out of box thinking, it is possible that we can travel faster than light, but how? One theory of traveling in which if one spaceship travel in the speed of 850 km/s, in this ship one small the cabin of main parts living engine,   

In main spark living engine use of nuclear energy in to ray form and travel anywhere, if this cabin is lunch form this sheep in the speed of 2 lakhs km/s so this speed is nearly about to light speed,

how big is the universe scale,how big is the universe compared to the earth,how big is the universe in km,how big is the universe video,how big is the universe in simple terms,is the universe infinite,what is beyond the universe,observable universe
You know how the universe is bigHow big is the universe scale? And compared to the earth how the universe is big

Measurement of the big universe in km, what is beyond the universe? And which material is the universe made of? 

Is the universe infinite? How big is the universe in simple terms? How much observable universe? Concept of knowledge by neetsman 

How big is the universe in km?

If taking 1014 million HMX slandered than 1 HMX = 9.46 * 1033 million km so universe is about to 9.46 * 1033  * 1014 million2 km

So we say that the universe is 9.46 * 1047 million2 km big and it depend upon another source of dimension, actually more than one different theory about the universe, some say that universe is steady, and all elements of the universe are stayed as the binging of the universe, not move,
While some say that the universe is expanding, change the distance between galaxy even an internal a distance of the solar system is also changed, so 9.46 * 1033  * 1014 million2 km is true at one time and change in another time,

We don’t know how much speed of the universe is expanding? May be 5 HMX or more not sure, but one-time measure distance between two galaxies is about to 1041 million light-years but when measure after 6 months then the result is shocking because the distance between these two galaxies is about to 5 light year increases in original that we measure, so maybe the universe is expanding, but not sure

Because we can’t measure the distance between all galaxy in our universe, 

You know how the universe is bigHow big is the universe scale? And compared to the earth how universe is big

Measurement of the big universe in km, what is beyond the universe? And which material is the universe made of? 

is the universe infinite? How big is the universe in simple terms? How much observable universe? Concept of knowledge by neetsman 

what is the universe made of?

We gat answer by question theory of unknown, in this theory ask a question un till you not have an answer. In invent by steetlom, and use to find some conflux answer,

Universe is??? Think about that who made the universe? If god than who made a god? At one stage our mind has no answer that who we are? And from where we are? And which material we made of?

By the way know that we made of water, earth, fire. This is basic material, but
What is water made of?
What is earth made of?
What is fire made of?  

And we have an answer that water made of hydrogen and oxygen.
Now, what Is it made of hydrogen and oxygen?

 We get an answer that P-proton E-electron N- neutron (PEN)
It also answers of what is earth made of? And what is fire made of?
So now all question met in one answer,

Now again ask a question that what is made of P-E-N?

At that time we have an answer that some plasma material, but now ask the question that what it made of plasma, then we have a small answer that made of small part but now know which,
Same way if we ask a question that what is universe made of? Then we stop at this stage, that we have known the answer, 

All universes have made of different material but the basis of all this material is proton, electron, and neutron. 
Scientists say that universe is made of dark matter, but what is dark matter? We don’t know where dark matter comes from?

 In banging of universe what is in that area? Because it is out of our thinking, according to the universe law big object changes its basic order of nuclear position, it means that big object convert in to small object and small object convert in to big element.

You know how the universe is bigHow big is the universe scale? And compared to the earth how universe is big

Measurement of the big universe in km, what is beyond the universe? And which material is the universe made of? 

Is the universe infinite? How big is the universe in simple terms? How much observable universe? Concept of knowledge by neetsman 
For example, our moon is transformed in to small cricket ball and cricket ball is transformed in to moon if you have one port that a port can withstand higher temperatures about to some thousand million,

According to the theory, all solid material convert in to the liquid, if temperature apply to this solid, and if more temperature is applied to this liquid than it converts in gas, but temperate increase after it converts in togas from, then it may convert in to some state that we don’t know,

Because we don’t know in which temperature proton, electron, and neutron is changed its forms, so if now it is theoretical that what is the universe made of? But if we must find in feature,   

Is the universe infinite?

In the 21st century, humans have made great progress in technology. We traveling in to space, but when we talk about to traveling we must know about one-word “distance”, same way apply in-universe,

One most asking question about space, that is the universe is infinite? We don’t know how big is universe?

Light is a beam that traveling only Straight direction only, but is it true? A light beam can change its direction in very long-distance like millions of HMX, we talk about hmx is that it is the possibility of a light beam that can travel back is original position, 

Lightray is traveling in to space, but it is true that it has its own energy so it can travel anywhere? And it's mean that it need some energy, and we know that light the beam is one energy from, and at one stage the light beam is lost its energy, and so it back to its normal speed, 

If we want to increase our car speed then we need fuel, if fuel is empty than our car is stopped, same way light ray is stopped according to how it contains the energy with him,
Thus any light will move as long as it has energy when its energy is exhausted, it will stop at its speed,
So looking at this,
  There is also a limitation of our eyesight and a new world is around us but we don’t see due to our limitation, it mean it more then we see, but at that time according to steetlom The universe is big about to 1014 million HMX  

How big is the universe in simple terms?

In simple term, The universe is big about to 1014 million hmx, but is only theory, based on some mathematical calculation, it may be more than we see,

What you see when you see in the sky at night? Only darkness? Or a different type of space object, when you see in this dark-space some time you see that some star or some un-known light sources are moving in this dark sky,

If you have the power to see a light ray, then this dark sky at the night is like colorful because of every second 300000 a light ray is passing into it, but light ray only straight direction so we can’t see it and our eyes are not ready to see at the speed of 300000 km/s,   

Observable universe
We human stay on earth, according to us we are the most intelligence Species on earth, but when we talk about technology, a human can’t invent the sonar-like some fish use to find its food, way and to live,

So the question is that what is a sign of intelligence? Maybe its uses of the mind and human only hardly use its 5% brain, it all about to observation, learning, and use, human observe the world around him, and use in daily life,

You know how the universe is bigHow big is the universe scale? And compared to the earth how the universe is big

Measurement of the big universe in km, what is beyond the universe? And which material is the universe made of? 

Is the universe infinite? How big is the universe in simple terms? How much observable universe? Concept of knowledge by neetsman 

Human has different, different think about this universe, in dark night we see this universe, but what it is? It means to say that what is the universe?   
At that time we observable only 1% of space, so some time importance thinks we missed, and we have not an instrument that we want,

But our scientist did good work and make more progress on this field, we use only outsource to understand this world, but we talk about our past million years behind the past, then we know that we have the art of stone that one spacesuit, some Statue of laptop

And the question is that who made this, in our old holly book some topic about to travel in to space, so in a thousand years past how humans can know about?   And it is the biggest, our mind is to see that we want to see,

Our mind has millions of electronic connotation, that more than one galaxy star, we human understand the electromagnetic signal, because our mind works in this signal, but we need some outer Medium to talk,

But is true that we talk without any medium, just increase the understanding of the mind, 

You know how the universe is bigHow big is the universe scale? And compared to the earth how the universe is big

Measurement of the big universe in km, what is beyond the universe? And which material is the universe made of? 

Is the universe infinite? How big is the universe in simple terms? How much observable universe? Concept of knowledge by neetsman 

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